Monday, December 19, 2011

Arguing with myself

I know my last post said a lot about forgiving others and not judging...but dang, it's really hard to stick to that. I still 100% believe in living like Jesus did and forgiving 7X70 times (which equals 490 times), but what if someone wrongs you 497 times? Lol...just once more after 7X70? Can we take Jesus literally and ONLY forgive them that many times? Because I have someone in my life who has breached that point...I'm trying my hardest to remain loving and forgiving to this person, but I'm at my breaking point. Can I just tell this person to stay out of my life? Forgive them for this last injustice but then choose to have nothing else to do with them? Isn't it better to distance yourself from someone than to allow them to bring your character down? I don't like the person I am when this person is a part of my life. Granted, some of the happiest moments of my life were with this person, but the most devastating were also due to this person's hands and actions. I have forgiven. I am unable to forget. And I think, I am unable to keep trying. I know Jesus wouldn't and hasn't given up on this person, but I am not as strong as Jesus. I've done the best I can do to show this person God's love and forgiveness only to be walked on...and in those moments, I've shown this person the non-Christian in me. I'm ashamed of that. Is it selfish to want to better myself instead of continuing to try and help better this person? I know love is long suffering...but I'm really discouraged right now. To just get this person out of my life would be such a relief, but I'd feel like I failed God. On the other hand, I know He will forgive me when I fail Him. What should I do? I can give it to God and hope He can use someone else to change this person...because I'm doing Him no good if I continue on this path...forgive me....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What I (think) I know about life...

I became a Christian May 19, 2010. I was baptized July 4, 2010. So, I'm relatively new to this "religion" thing. I don't know much about the old testament, and my knowledge of the new testament is still growing. The things I DO know are this:
1. God is ALWAYS with us
2. He will never leave us or forsake us
3. We have free will
4. As Christians, God will make good out of whatever choices we make with that free will (whether those choices are good OR bad)
5. God will lead us in the right direction
6. Things fall apart all around me when/if I stray from God and His word
7. God doesn't hold grudges
8. We shouldn't hold grudges
9. We shouldn't judge others. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they know, and God is the only person they have to answer to.
10. Love your neighbor as yourself and esteem them GREATER than you
11. Forgive others just as God has forgiven us...yes, over and over again to the same offender. This is a hard one for a lot of people. Me included. But God commands not to forgive someone just 7 times if they wrong you, but 7 X 70 TIMES!
12. If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek. If someone asks for your last dollar, give it to them, but give it with a joyful heart because God loves a cheerful giver and they will be rewarded!
13. Don't brag about yourself and seek to impress others. God is the only one we need to worry with impressing
14. I don't know everything...not even a little bit
15. I'm doing the best I can to live my life like Jesus would have, and I have no apologies for that. People may judge me and think I'm wrong, but if in my heart I'm doing what I believe God has called me to do, that's all that matters. He is who I must answer to on judgement day.
16. As long as I am following God's will and instruction, He WILL protect me, just like a shepherd protects his flock from the wolves. A sheep my stray and go his own way and in doing so, may be hurt...sometimes very badly, but that shepherd will heal that sheep...just as God will heal us when we have heartache or stray away, either by our own free will, or by the hand of God allowing those circumstances in our lives.
17. Nothing happens in our lives without first going through God's hands. He is the ultimate author of our lives. He will win in the end, regardless of the choices we make. That's all that matters.
18. God will never give us more than we can handle...I just wish he didn't have so much faith in me!
19. One soul won over for Christ is greater than winning the lottery 100 times. I strive to be an instrument God can use to show His love to the lost world. Whatever circumstances I may have to go through, if I can lead someone to the Lord, all the pain and suffering and heartache will be more than worth it.
20. God CAN change people/circumstances/anything. You truly are a new creation in Christ when you receive the Holy Spirit. So share it with everyone you think needs help or guidance. Instead of judging, share the love.
21. As a new creation in Christ, you WILL still mess up. Being Christian doesn't mean you're perfect. Far from it. But it means you have the love and protection of a Savior who thought you were awesome enough to die He did. Cherish that.

So live your life to the best of your knowledge, always seeking God's face, and not worrying about what this world thinks of your decisions...this world will soon fade away and all in it, but God and His love will remain. No matter what we go through in our lives, as a saved child of God, I know Heaven will be my home, and I KNOW all the struggles of this world will be well worth it...and I hope to stand before my Savior and hear Him say "Welcome home my child. Well done."

WWJD was always just a saying to me...but in the last year it has become a life style. One that I often fail at because of my quick temper and living by my emotions...but I am striving to keep that phrase in the FRONT of my mind each day. Don't judge. Love unconditionally. Forgive every time. Most of those are easier said than done...but with God, all things are possible. Regardless of how you feel about things like the Casey Anthony trial, or OJ Simpson...we have no right to judge or condemn them. Even they deserve forgiveness and non-judgement from us...that's what being a Christian is. Showing the love of Jesus to people who don't deserve it...because, really, none of us do. But we have His love. We have His salvation. We have His forgiveness. Not because we've earned it, but because He loves us. Why? I will never know...but I am so thankful.

Share the love of Christ with EVERYONE. Just like that Casting Crowns song says "Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who should come. We are the body of Christ. If we are the body, why aren't his arms reaching? Why aren't his hands healing? Why aren't his words teaching? If we are the body, why aren't his feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? Jesus is the way"

Sorry for the rambling, but that's all I've got for today.....