Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happiness 101 vs. Happiness 401

So, you may be wondering why I chose to name my blog "Happiness 401" instead of "Happiness 101", since most things are usually ____ 101. In a nutshell, "101" level classes usually equate to the first year of college, "201" equate to the second year and so on..."401" equates to the senior year...the top, you finally made it. I've always been a happy person, but the causes of my happiness have varied. At this point in my life, I'm determining to make my own happiness, no matter what. I feel like I've finally made it, I have the knowledge to know that I'M in control of my happiness, not anyone or anything else...just me. I feel like most people go through life on a "101" level, always letting circumstances dictate attitudes, feelings, etc.

Now that I've explained that...welcome to my world! I have no idea what this blog is going to become...or even if anyone will want to read it. But there's no harm in seeing what happens, right? So this is where I will share my feelings, tell jokes (yes most of them will probably be corny), talk about the loves of my life (my son, Gavin, and daughter, Lexie...and, of course, Jesus), vent when I have a bad day, and whatever else comes out when my fingers hit the keyboard. So how about some quick background info to get started...

I am Melissa, I'm twen...well, I'll keep my age to myself :) I'm a single mom to 2 wonderful kids. Gavin is 4 & Lexie is 2. I'm sure most of my blogging will have something to do with them...they are my world. My miracle babies that I wasn't supposed to be able to have. I'm a nurse (LPN). I worked in pediatric home care for 2 years, I now work at a nursing home, and I love it. I'm in school to get my RN now, God willing, I will graduate in May. I wear my socks inside out and they rarely end up being matching colors, a have a pacemaker, I like cats better than dogs, I go to church 3 times a week (unless I'm working), I love overalls and the color orange, and I have a slight obsession with surveys & Jesus :) The randomness of these facts thrown together is a perfect picture of my life...and I wouldn't have it any other way. I know the Lord has a plan and He's working in my life every day...random as it may seem to you and I.

So that's a quick intro...I'm super excited to get this blog up and going :) Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon :)

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