Sunday, October 23, 2011

Perfect Christians Vs. Real Christians

I'm frustrated. Frustrated with the pressure to be "perfect", to never make a mistake, never a wrong choice (even if I know deep down it's wrong), pressure to be either a "perfect" Christian or a Christian the way other people THINK I should be.


There was only ONE perfect Christian and His name was Jesus Christ. He is the only one to live in this world and NEVER sin (Hebrews 4:15 "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin").

There's also only ONE way to be a Christian...and there's a handy little blue print called the Bible to show you how.
1. Ask Jesus to come in your life and live in your heart
2. Confess that you're a sinner and you need Him (Romans 3:23 "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.")
3. Turn away from your sins
4. Learn and follow the Ten Commandments (that's the part that starts with "thou shalt not...")
5. Spend time with God every day
6. Strive to be more like Christ everyday (love your enemies, always help when you can, pray without ceasing, don't judge...)
7. Ask for forgiveness when you mess up (because you WILL mess up)

I realize people have different areas of strengths and weaknesses-espeically when it comes to being like Jesus. Some people can find good in anyone, others hold a grudge till death. Some are tempted by sins everyday that others can dismiss without a second thought. Some are amazing prayer warriors, some can bring you to your knees with a song. Just like every person is different, every Christian is different. And don't ya think God planned it to be EXACTLY that way? So we can be there for each other and support each other in our weaknesses, not judge, condemn, or point fingers. We will all answer for our lives one day, God is the only one who can judge us. Until then, I thank Him for prayer and forgiveness. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, none of us will EVER be perfect this side of Heaven. Let's try to remember that when we deal with each other. God's judgement is the only one we have to worry about. Do the best you can with the circumstances God gives you and ask Him to forgive you when you fall short. One of God's greatest promises is 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

We don't have to agree with other's decisions, but as Christians, we have been COMMANDED to support, love, and forgive them anyway...Being Christian doesn't mean you're means God forgives all your UNPERFECTNESS. Even if the rest of the world won't. And that God will make good out of whatever bad decisions we make.

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