Monday, October 17, 2011

Things I've learned this year...

Things I've learned this year:
  1. I'm dumber than I give myself credit for
  2. I'm smarter than I give myself credit for
  3. I can NOT pull off leggings...I can barely get them ON (hahahaha!)
  4. My kids are the greatest blessing the Lord has ever given me
  5. I would be nothing without my parents' help
  6. Sometimes it's better to have only 1 parent
  7. I'm happy in my singleness
  8. I need WAY more sleep than I used to if I want to be a functioning human being the next day
  9. I'm a Bible thumper and I'm proud
  10. I'm becoming more and more like my mother (though, not necessarily a bad thing, she's pretty awesome...most of the time)
  11. I'm becoming increasingly disgusted with the ways of the world, and increasingly grateful for Jesus and all God's promises
  12. I have the power to create my own happiness (Happiness 401:) )
  13. My dad and I have more in common than I realized
  14. I'd be perfectly fine if I never watched network TV again. All I need are cartoons for my kids and Golden Girls DVDs for me
  15. God is in control
  16. He will make good out of any mistakes I make
  17. Prayer is powerful...but I'm ashamed to admit, I don't do it enough.
  18. I don't like the pressure of "dating"...I'd rather just be friends with someone with no expectations. If it turns into more, I want it to be God's will, not my own or anyone else's. 
  19. Orange is my all time, hands down, most favorite color in the world
  20. Hugs from my kids are all I need on a bad day...unless of course, they are the CAUSE of my bad day, in which case, BEDTIME hugs are all I need :) Haha
Let the education continue....

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